Asset Management

Decision time for asset managers on Mifid II research costs

Several large asset managers have not yet stated how they plan to deal with new regulation coming into force in just four months

BlackRock, the world's largest fund manager, is among those yet to decide on how it will pay for investment research under Mifid II
BlackRock, the world's largest fund manager, is among those yet to decide on how it will pay for investment research under Mifid II Photo: Photography: Darren Lazarus

As several of the world’s largest fund groups begin to announce how to treat the cost of investment research under new EU rules, those who have not made a decision are feeling the pressure.

Under Mifid II, which will be implemented across Europe from January 2018, asset managers will need to alter how they treat external research from investment banks, either absorbing the cost of this themselves or passing it on to investors.

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