There’s a lot to be said for a business staying private. Business founders and owners who stay in control are free to take the company in any direction they want. If they have any shareholders, they are likely to be few in numbers and so there is less kowtowing to be done. For business owners who have built a company and simply want out, there’s no dilemma. It’s relatively straightforward should they want to sell — there’s nothing to talk about other than how to present their company in the best light.
The sticking point comes when a business owner wants to raise capital and retain a stake in their company. It could be the business needs or wants an injection of capital to invest or seek an acquisition. Do owners go through the public markets, raise debt or enlist the help of a third-party investor such as a private equity house? These are questions I wrestled with myself for many years and in the end, I’ve taken all routes, all of which have their pros and cons.