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Bank of England eyes CBDC for banks

Threadneedle Street was previously focused on a central bank digital currency for smaller transactions

2 min read

Clearstream to trial ECB’s digital euro

There are 36 central bank digital currencies in the pilot phase worldwide

2 min read

Deutsche BörseCBDCTrading

Tom Mutton: ‘There is just no space to get a CBDC wrong’

The Bank of England’s CBDC and fintech director is leading the work to develop a potential digital pound. Can he deliver?

8 min read

Bank of England to beef up Britcoin headcount as digital pound moves closer

The Bank may hire as many as 30 more people and is considering other products aimed not just at consumers but institutions like banks

3 min read

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Under-30s flood applications for Treasury’s prized ‘Britcoin’ boss job

Key government digital currency role attracts mainly young men after criticism over low pay

3 min read


Bank of England: Digital pound ‘more likely than not’

Sir Jon Cunliffe says a UK digital pound now has a more than 50% chance of coming into existence

3 min read

Turning 50, SWIFT wants to keep up with the times

The payments network was built to get away from telex. Now it wants to prepare for CBDCs and blockchain

5 min read

CBDCs are coming. Markets should adjust now

Market infrastructure providers should consider how they might support the inevitable launch of CBDCs

Mairead McGuinness: EU digital currency may become ‘alternative’ to euro

A digital euro would not become a replacement, nor would it usurp physical bank notes

Crypto’s ‘structural flaws’ make it an unsuitable monetary system, says BIS report

‘These flaws would persist even if regulation and oversight were to address the financial instability problems and risk of loss implicit in crypto’

Bank of England fintech chief to ‘crypto bros’: Don’t confuse actual money with returns

Tom Mutton: ‘Some say: ‘What about inflation?’ We turn to them and say: ‘Bitcoin is not exactly doing that well on capital preservation’

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On the Move

On the Move

R3 technology boss adds to hopes that CBDCs and stablecoins can co-exist

Growth of crypto markets and stablecoins push central banks to move faster

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CBDCFintechBank of EnglandFederal ReserveCryptocurrency

CBDCs shouldn’t be the only form of money, central bankers say

CBDCs should complement, not replace, existing forms of money, according to leading officials

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BoE’s Cunliffe warns of ‘VHS vs Betamax’ battle in payments as crypto threatens industry

The deputy governor says 'different technologies offer different advantages' in the race to seamless cross-border payments

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Lagarde: Russian individuals are using crypto to bypass sanctions

The president of the European Central Bank says cryptos remain a threat while touting the digital euro

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Silvergate Capital plans to buy some blockchain assets from Facebook’s Diem Group

Silvergate said the acquisition of the Diem assets will help it launch a stablecoin in 2022

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FN Law

FN Law