Meet the busiest M&A and finance lawyers in Emea last year
4 min read
Deborah Finkler will retire from the partnership later this year
1 min read
Slaughter and May newly qualified lawyers to get 20% pay bump
1 min read
The uneasy peace between law firms in London after the US won the pay war is over. Now the Magic Circle are facing a fresh battle that they might not be able to win
7 min read
Your guide to the week’s top legal stories
4 min read
Slaughter and May has boosted its partner ranks in London and Brussels
1 min read
Virgin Money’s share price jumped more than 30% following the disclosure of the deal
2 min read
'We’re sure that there are lots of talented people out there who either don’t think of a career in law or who don’t think of a career here'
2 min read
The takeover watchdog seconds top bankers and lawyers for two-years
1 min read
Women earn 51p for every £1 that men earn at the City bank with the highest pay gap
4 min read
Magic Circle stalwart promotes largest new partner group in seven years
Crypto's boom-and-bust cycles have pushed it into the mainstream. That means more work for lawyers
Top law firms should examine spin-offs to 'add pace' in race against US rivals, says Christopher Saul
The raises follow a 'period of intense home working' says the firm's senior partner Steve Cooke
'They probably don’t have the right answer because they are a room full of millionaires that refuse to believe that their business model is in trouble'
4 min read
The Big Four firm turns to top lawyers as it weighs a split between its audit and consulting arms
3 min read
Financial News analysis shows more women are making the grade than ever before
3 min read
Magic Circle firm boosts partner numbers in latest promotion round
1 min read
Slaughter and May partner was named in FN's 20 Most Influential in Legal Services 2021
2 min read