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Turning a vault into a bomb shelter: How Citigroup has kept its bank running inside Ukraine

Two years into the war, Citigroup is the only US bank around, navigating a sometimes treacherous landscape

10 min read

Lord Mayor Vincent Keaveny on proclaiming the new King, and where next for the City

As he prepares to step down, two monarchs and three prime ministers have marked Keaveny’s one-year tenure as Lord Mayor of the City of London

6 min read

city of londonFintechukraineAn Audience WithAn audience with

Big banks shutter offices after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — here’s what you need to know

Citigroup is winding down its Russian consumer bank, joining rivals in pulling back from the country

4 min read

Venture capital funding to dry up amid ‘red flags’ in first half of 2022

Deal volumes in the last quarter were down to their lowest level since 2018, according to research

3 min read

Ukraine takes aim at JPMorgan, HSBC and Citi over financing Russia ‘war crimes’

‘Everybody who is financing these war criminals, who are doing these terrible things in Ukraine, are also committing war crimes in our logic’

2 min read

CitigroupInvestment BankingukraineJPMorganPoliticsHSBCRussia

MPs call for tougher action on bankers, lawyers ‘enabling’ Putin

More needs to be done to stop London’s professional services firms assisting Russia, report argues

2 min read

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Top Lawyers for FN’s Legal List

Paul Clarke

Paul Clarke

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The private equity industry keeps rolling in Ukraine

11 VC deals in the first quarter show there is still life in the sector

2 min read

Private EquityukrainePoliticsRussia

Yanis Varoufakis: Why stop at the Russian oligarchs? We should clamp down on them all

Do US billionaires and Saudi princes enjoy less political clout, stash less money abroad or use their influence any better?

5 min read

The Ukraine War May Have Triggered a Lasting Bear Market

Investors might need to expect months or even years of challenges to geopolitical stability and market sentiment

4 min read

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