Two years into the war, Citigroup is the only US bank around, navigating a sometimes treacherous landscape
10 min read
As he prepares to step down, two monarchs and three prime ministers have marked Keaveny’s one-year tenure as Lord Mayor of the City of London
6 min read
Citigroup is winding down its Russian consumer bank, joining rivals in pulling back from the country
4 min read
Deal volumes in the last quarter were down to their lowest level since 2018, according to research
3 min read
‘Everybody who is financing these war criminals, who are doing these terrible things in Ukraine, are also committing war crimes in our logic’
2 min read
More needs to be done to stop London’s professional services firms assisting Russia, report argues
2 min read
11 VC deals in the first quarter show there is still life in the sector
2 min read
Do US billionaires and Saudi princes enjoy less political clout, stash less money abroad or use their influence any better?
5 min read
Investors might need to expect months or even years of challenges to geopolitical stability and market sentiment
4 min read