Wealth Management

BNP Paribas has ‘no plans’ to expand in UK wealth market

French lender is avoiding the UK for now and concentrating on markets where it has a strong network, such as Belgium, Italy and Germany

Edmund Shing, global chief investment officer of BNP Paribas Wealth Management, told Financial News that the French lender has ‘no plans’ to add talent or acquire domestic rivals to build up a wealth outpost in the UK
Edmund Shing, global chief investment officer of BNP Paribas Wealth Management, told Financial News that the French lender has ‘no plans’ to add talent or acquire domestic rivals to build up a wealth outpost in the UK

BNP Paribas is not looking to expand its wealth management franchise in the UK for now, a market where many of its rivals have been vying for dominance.

Edmund Shing, global chief investment officer of BNP Paribas Wealth Management, told Financial News that the French lender has “no plans” to add talent or acquire domestic rivals to build up a wealth outpost in the UK. 

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