Investment Banking

Can bank stocks rally again in 2024?

M&A could return, pushing shares upwards

Investment banks such as Morgan Stanley could outperform lenders more focused on consumers next year
Investment banks such as Morgan Stanley could outperform lenders more focused on consumers next year Photo: Angus Mordant/Getty Images

Bank stocks have finally seen a significant rally. To achieve more gains, lenders will have to prove the market was right in bidding the shares higher.

The SPDR S&P Bank ETF is up about 55% to about $48 from a low this year of around $31, hit in early May. Driving the gain at first was expectations that larger banks would benefit from this year’s chaos in regional banking. That proved true: JPMorgan Chase, for example, bought First Republic. which has boosted earnings because the smaller bank was operating profitably until concerns about solvency hit the sector this spring.

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