Furse fits the Euronext bill

Euronext is looking for replacement number two after a heated board meeting last week led to the announcement of George Möller's departure early in 2004. Given the sensibilities at Euronext, which spans five national markets, Möller's replacement must be "of Dutch origin". Setting aside the issue of discrimination on the grounds of nationality, there is one obvious problem for the board. Where is it going to find a Dutch person with sufficient experience in stock and derivatives exchanges to take over? Apart from Leni Boeren, the mercurial head of marketing, there might be a shortage candidates in Amsterdam.

Further afield however, we found someone who used to head futures and options at UBS, who has been a director of Liffe for nine years, who is Dutch and who, incidentally, just happens to run the London Stock Exchange. Step forward, Clara Furse. You read it here first…

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