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Mifid II: Now regulators must deliver what they promised

The new rules were supposed to improve the system — but they've created fresh problems and a more uniform implementation is needed for them to be effective

Moving forward? Time for the FCA see through Mifid II implementation
Moving forward? Time for the FCA see through Mifid II implementation Photo: Yenpitsu Nemoto / Ikon Images / Getty Images

Mifid II was one of the most heralded pieces of financial regulation in the past decade but its implementation has proved to be more of a whimper than a bang.

‘Mifid II Day’ on January 3 was meant to mark the most significant overhaul of the financial services industry in the past decade. Instead, it was characterised by major exchanges failing to implement the regulation on time, postponement of the dark pool caps, confusion reigning in some markets and questions as to whether, in the light of Brexit, Europe’s most liquid market will still be governed by Mifid II.

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