Quotes of the Week

The Blankfein/Pandit call, Fuld's agenda, Barclays' new asset plan and the prevalence of convenient economic theory....

"Geithner suggested that Goldman's Blankfein call Pandit. Blankfein made the call, thinking that he was supposed to rescue Citi. He was dumbfounded when he discovered Pandit wasn't expecting to hear from him. For his part, Pandit was taken aback that Goldman thought it might be able to buy Citi, since at the time, Pandit felt that Citi was much stronger." -- from The New Yorker's long article on the failure of Lehman Brothers and AIG. The online version of the article is not yet free for non-subscribers: http://bit.ly/lOGY7. This excerpt came from NYMag: http://bit.ly/JxJv7

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