The curious case of Tamara Mellon

Despite making a significant profit from her involvement with buyout firms, Tamara Mellon, the co-founder of fashion chain Jimmy Choo, has taken to Twitter to attack the ‘abhorrent greed’ of the private equity industry

Anyone with a keen eye for social media would have noticed the extraordinary outbursts against the private equity industry made by Jimmy Choo co-founder Tamara Mellon in recent weeks. Buyout firms are now reportedly awaiting her next move, believed to be "coming soon", according to her Twitter feed.

Mellon co-founded the high-end fashion chain in 1996, leading it with enormous success from 2001 under a series of private equity owners including Lion Capital and Towerbrook Capital Partners before leaving the business in November last year, six months after it was sold to luxury fashion brand Labelux for close to £500m. The deal marked one of the most successful fashion exits in recent years.

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