The regulator’s bullying and abuse crackdown must not get drowned out by the backlash against diversity, top women in finance say
3 min read
Investment banks show little progress quashing gender pay gaps in 2023
8 min read
Investment banks, asset managers and law firms accused of paying ‘lip service’ to D&I and treating it like a ‘tick box exercise’ in FN survey
5 min read
Your guide to the week’s biggest ESG stories
4 min read
Median pay gap for Black staff grows to 24.2%, while pay differential for women remains flat
2 min read
From HSBC's UK boss battling depression to fund execs cashing in on ESG and the City's menopause fight, revisit the best of FN's coverage this year
3 min read
The Diversity Project's Safe Space initiative records abuse of power by senior executives and sexual harassment at social events
3 min read
Companies are wary of setting up men's networks due to the possible reputational backlash
6 min read
From regulators to crypto exchanges, women are leading digital assets' charge into mainstream financial services
1 min read
Outgoing chief economic advisor to the Treasury Clare Lombardelli was the first woman to hold the post
3 min read
'They have to get ahead of the curve, and have to get ahead of it now, otherwise they're crushing their own competitive advantage'
5 min read
Exchanges commit themselves to ESG initiatives, though much work is still to be done
At a senior level, all countries, with the exception of Ireland, had representation at or below 15%
Gender pay gap persists as experts fear impact of pandemic on progress
ESG specialists are coming at a premium as London ramps up its sustainability credentials
The US law firm partner on how she made it in the City and why we need the top ranks to change
4 min read
The problem is misleadingly characterised as a glass ceiling, but in reality is more of a slippery ladder, write MWM Consulting's Justine McIlroy and Michael Reyner
6 min read