The City has one of the worst track records for employing disabled people
14 min read
Fund houses continue rampant appetite for private markets deals
3 min read
Sarah de Lagarde tells Kristen McGachey about losing her arm and how AI is helping her back to work
6 min read
Redinel Korfuzi is accused of using confidential inside information to help him and four other individuals net profits of £1.5m
2 min read
‘If you’ve got a performance or culture problem, no amount of mergers is going to fix anything’
5 min read
A record £589m was pulled from UK property funds in March, marking it the worst-ever month for the sector
2 min read
Axa Investment Managers' comments come as Janus Henderson publishes its latest Global Dividend Index
4 min read
The asset management industry has been criticised over its record on diversity and inclusion
3 min read
Performance at the company’s struggling quant division climbs out of the doldrums
2 min read
Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, is set to take the reins of the European Central Bank
3 min read
UK company opts to take its bond fund in-house, in a sign of the repercussions from the February retirement of the 'Bond King'
1 min read
Alex Barr will co-manage a number of the company’s multi-asset alternatives funds, alongside James de Bunsen and Peter Webster
Fund manager blames pressure on fees and the rise of index investing, with the market rout of late 2018 contributing to its woes
Gross has always been motivated by being exceptional and if he could no longer prove that in markets, then what was the point?
Pimco co-founder to focus on managing personal assets and charitable foundation
Fund manager's aim to save $125m, mostly from reduction in staff, is 18 months ahead of schedule
2 min read
The Janus Henderson Global Unconstrained Bond Fund has lost nearly $1bn since the start of the year
2 min read
Bill Gross of Janus has not lost faith in his fundamental view of bonds, his boss Richard Weil says
3 min read
Co-chief executive Andrew Formica will depart the $370bn asset manager at the end of the year
3 min read
Equities manager has won a case over the transfer of his former fund to Crux Asset Management
2 min read